Friday, February 17, 2012

Celebrity Change-up

This assignment required us to change a celebrity's eye and hair color. I chose to change Angelina Jolie's hair color to red, and her eye color from blue to green.

Monday, February 13, 2012


In this assignment, we had to duplicate a postcard . We were given the finished product and the pieces, but we had to apply the effects and layers in order ourselves. I think mine came out pretty good :)

Layer Masks

This assignment required us to use layer masks. We had to put together different landscapes to make one collage.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Landscapes/ Magic Wand

In this assignment we had to combine different techniques to create our own unique designs. Some of the tools we used were the Magic Wand Tool, the Layers Palette, and the Free transform Tool .

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Layer Adjustments

This assignment required us to take 15 pictures, and edit them using various adjustment tools. Here are my results.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crazy Combos

Our third assignment, Crazy Combos required more skill than the last two. We had to take animals/people/ and combine them to make one crazy animal/person hybrid. I chose to recreate a mermaid. We had to have at least 8 layers. Some new tools we used were the eraser brush to blur and create a more smooth transition between body parts, and refine edge.

All About Me

Our second assignment, All About Me, is the most interesting one I've worked on so far. We had to find 10 different things we were interested in, and put them together in a composition. This project required learning new tools, the main ones being the Quick want, and quick selection. These help you select parts of pictures by colors or with a brush. Other tools we used include The Marquee tool, the lasso tool, and the text tool.


Peppers was our first real assignment. We had to move different peppers into a cutting board. Our main tools were "refine edge" and copying and pasting different layers.